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Willie May - A Life of Service

U.S. Government's Top Chemist

Chemical Society of Washington Section
Director Special Research and Training Initiatives, College of Computer, Mathematical and the Natural Sciences
University of Maryland College Park

Emeritus Director National Institute of Standards and Technology

Former Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology


The American Chemical Society is one of the most important voices for science and technology in the world. It has a vast international reach and some of the most influential publications in any S&T field.

The University of Maryland Baltimore County President Freeman Hrabowski leads students in a salute to Dr. May on the day of his retirement from NIST, January 3, 2017

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Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria faculty congratulate their colleague, Willie May, on becoming the ACS President-Elect nominee. They note that as the Head of the Analytical Chemistry Division and later as U.S. Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Undersecretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology, Willie gave great support to the Cooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry ( from the very beginning by providing expertise and substantially helping to shape the symposia programs.

University of Alabama's commencement ceremony, held Dec. 11, 2016, took place at the Von Braun Center Propst Arena and featured NIST Director Dr. Willie E. May as the guest speaker.

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